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June Full Strong Moon

The June Full Moon is sometimes called the Strong Moon or Mead Moon. It is a time of celebration of joining relationships. It is also a time when psychic and magickal energy flows stronger and more freely. With this full moon being in Capricorn it may cause us to be overly emotional. However hard work and self-discipline can help us through. This is also a time to get real about personal boundaries, keeping them firmly in place. Stand up and release the issues or people that are no longer working for you. Focusing on any career goals will become more important. Practical thinking and action will be the key to any situation at this time.

Releasing any emotional issues that you no longer need will be a bit easier during this full moon.  During your ritual you may want to add in some affirmations such as “I release what is no longer serving me,” or “I open up to receive me highest and best good.” When you are saying the affirmation, you need to mean it and say it with your whole being. Be confident in your words because they have the power.

For a ritual bath you may want to try Full Moon Bath Salts. The ingredients are Hawaiian Sea Salt, Dead Sea Salt, dried Lavender, Cornflower petals, and Forget Me Not petals. Place the ingredients in an airtight glass container. Sprinkle some into your bath and as you soak just feel any emotions, issues, or fears release from your body and into the water. Then down the drain. You do not need them anymore. Happy Full Moon!!!


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